Data Transfer Help
Menu Options Select Table Filter Export Status Notice Export

Export Status Menu Options

The export status menu options are as follows:

Main Menu - This option returns to the main menu.

Import -
This option allows data to be imported into Policy Terminator.

Export -
This option allows data to be exported from Policy Terminator.

Export Status -
This option displays the status of both processed or scheduled exports.

Help -
This option displays help for export.

Back -
This option goes back to the previous screen.

The Export Task Status page contains the following fields:

Task Type - This field displays the type of task.

Export Description - This field displays the description of the task and the current date.

Schedule Type- This field displays the scheduling status.

Export View - This field displays the table from which the export will occur.

Export File - This field displays a link to the generated export file. The name of the link corresponds to the name entered in the "File" field when creating the export task. Clicking on the link allows viewing of the file. Right-clicking on the link, and choosing "Save Target As…" (or "Save As…"), saves the file to a local hard-drive as a text (.txt) file.

Created By - This field displays the user who created the task.

Created On - This field displays the date the task was scheduled.

System Scheduled To Delete Task On - This field displays the scheduled date and time for task deletion if the task ran correctly. Recurring tasks are never deleted; however, the associated log and text files are deleted according to the group options setting Delete Task Files after XX Hours.

Status - This field displays the task status. The following is a list of the valid status's:

Status Description
Scheduled for processing Task is in the queue, and will be processed as soon as possible.
Processing record X out of X Task is executing and has processed X records out of X records.
Completed Successfully Task executed with no warnings or errors.
Completed no records to process Task did not execute because if no records to process.
Failed Something fatal happened and the task was unable to execute at all.

Is a recurring task that is scheduled to run at the specified date and time.

Filter - This field displays the filter expression that was used. (See image above for example.)

Note: See Menu below or at the top of the page for next export section.

Menu Options Select Table Filter Export Status Notice Export