Reports Help
Menu Options Job Options Filter Sorting Report Status

Reports Menu Options

The menu options to create a report are as follows:

Main Menu - This option returns to the main menu.

Run/Schedule Task -
This options starts the report generation process.

Get Count -
This options returns a count of the number of records which meet the filter criteria. This option is not available for any of the summary notice counts reports templates.

Clear Options -
Clears all the fields on the page and resets it to the defaults.

Save Preferences -
Saves the current configuration options for use at a later time. Saving configuration options allows for repetitive executions of a report without having to specify the options each time.

Preference Library -
Allows the user to retrieve a saved preference file or delete an existing one. Clicking on the check mark icon next to the desired report loads the configurations into the Reports screen. Clicking on the delete icon deletes the preference file.

Report Status - This option takes you to the report status page where you can see the status for both processed or scheduled reports.

Help -
This option displays Help for Reports.

Back -
This option takes you back to the previous page.

Click on the Job Options link below for the next step of Reports.

Menu Options Job Options Filter Sorting Report Status